How to Free Your Creativity and Let it Rise
Creativity is becoming more in demand. Our world is changing fast — AI, Machine Learning (ML), automation and machines are taking over many of the mundane and tedious tasks. This makes human creativity, communication, problem-solving, and design skills more valuable....
How To Find Motivation for Anything
Everyone is spurred to action by different drives. Depending on the situation and your personal preferences, what motivates you in one situation is meaningless, even de-motivating, in others. Finding motivation to spur you on when the road gets tough will help you...
Three Ways to Read and Improve Your Life
I love to read. Recently, I’ve noticed three different styles of reading and delved into the different benefits derived from each. Whether I am reading fast, or reading slow, my brain is getting a workout. But there are different benefits for different styles of...
Find the Best Key to Your Motivation
Motivation can be a funny thing. Some days, we’re full of verve, ready to tackle the tasks of the day. Other days our motivation can seem to have deserted us, leaving us without the drive to do even the things we enjoy. Whether you’re trying to motivate yourself or...
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